Customer Service Contacts


How to contact Maybank2u customer service in Malaysia?


Telephone number

Direct email address

Online contact form

Social Media



Physical Address

Write a letter to the headquarter:

Menara Maybank, 100 Jalan Tun Perak, 50050 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Most popular in Malaysia

About Maybank 2u in Malaysia

Maybank2u is the digital banking platform of Maybank, Malaysia’s largest financial services provider. It offers a comprehensive suite of online banking services, including account management, bill payments, fund transfers, and mobile banking, providing customers with secure and convenient access to their finances anytime, anywhere. Known for its user-friendly interface and robust security features, Maybank2u is a key component of Maybank’s commitment to digital innovation, serving millions of customers across Malaysia with seamless and efficient banking solutions.

Top 5 questions people contact this company for

  1. How can I reset my Maybank2u password?
  2. What should I do if I encounter issues logging into Maybank2u?
  3. How do I transfer funds or pay bills using Maybank2u?
  4. What are the security features available on Maybank2u to protect my account?
  5. How can I check my account balance and transaction history on Maybank2u?

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