Customer Service Contacts


How to contact Orange customer service in Egypt?


Telephone number

Direct email address

Online contact form

Social Media



Physical Address

Write a letter to the headquarter:

Nile City, 2005C Corniche El Nil, Nile City Towers, 32nd floor North Tower


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About Orange in Egypt

Orange Egypt is one of the leading telecommunications providers in the country, offering a comprehensive range of services including mobile voice and data, fixed internet, and digital solutions for individuals and businesses. Formerly known as Mobinil, Orange Egypt is part of the global Orange Group and is recognized for its strong network coverage, innovative services, and customer-centric approach. The company is a key player in Egypt’s telecom industry, focusing on digital transformation, customer satisfaction, and community engagement through various social initiatives.

Top 5 questions people contact this company for

  1. How can I recharge my Orange mobile or internet balance?
  2. What are the available mobile and internet packages?
  3. How do I check my balance, data usage, and remaining credit?
  4. How can I troubleshoot network or connectivity issues with Orange?
  5. How do I activate or deactivate specific services or features?

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