Customer Service Contacts


How to contact Lufthansa customer service in Belgium?


Telephone number

Direct email address

Online contact form

Social Media



Physical Address

Write a letter to the headquarter:

Venloer Straße 151-153


Telenet Group Holding NV, through its subsidiaries, provides media and communication services in Belgium.

5.0 (486 reviews)

Most popular in Belgium


About Lufthansa in Belgium

Lufthansa Belgium is the Belgian branch of Lufthansa, a major German airline and one of Europe’s leading carriers. Operating from Brussels Airport, it offers a wide range of international and domestic flights, connecting Belgium to various global destinations. Lufthansa Belgium is known for its high-quality service, reliability, and extensive flight network. The airline caters to both business and leisure travelers, providing premium amenities and frequent flyer benefits.

Top 5 questions people contact this company for

  1. How can I change or cancel my flight booking?
  2. What are the baggage allowances and fees?
  3. How do I request a refund for a canceled flight?
  4. How can I select or change my seat?
  5. What are the COVID-19 travel requirements for my destination?

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