Customer Service Contacts


How to contact C&A customer service in Belgium?


Telephone number

Direct email address

Online contact form

Social Media



Physical Address

Write a letter to the headquarter:

Waterloosesteenweg 673
1180 Brussel


Telenet Group Holding NV, through its subsidiaries, provides media and communication services in Belgium.

5.0 (486 reviews)

Most popular in Belgium


About C&A in Belgium

C&A Belgium is part of the international fashion retailer C&A, known for offering affordable, stylish clothing for men, women, and children. With a strong presence across Belgium, C&A provides a wide range of apparel, from everyday basics to seasonal fashion trends. The company is committed to sustainability, featuring collections made from organic and recycled materials. C&A Belgium is recognized for its family-friendly shopping experience, quality products, and accessible pricing, appealing to a broad customer base.

Top 5 questions people contact this company for

  1. How can I return or exchange an item purchased online or in-store?
  2. What are the current promotions and discounts available?
  3. How do I track my online order?
  4. What sizes and fits are available for specific clothing items?
  5. How can I find the nearest C&A store?

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