Customer Service Contacts


How to contact Aldi customer service in Belgium?


Telephone number

Direct email address

Online contact form

Social Media



Physical Address

Write a letter to the headquarter:

Keerstraat 4
9420 Erpe-Mere


Telenet Group Holding NV, through its subsidiaries, provides media and communication services in Belgium.

5.0 (486 reviews)

Most popular in Belgium


About Aldi in Belgium

Aldi Belgium is part of the global Aldi group, a leading discount supermarket chain known for offering high-quality products at affordable prices. Operating numerous stores across Belgium, Aldi focuses on a streamlined selection of essential groceries, household items, and weekly special offers. The company is recognized for its efficient store layout, cost-effective pricing, and commitment to sustainability. Aldi Belgium provides customers with a reliable shopping experience, emphasizing value without compromising on quality.

Top 5 questions people contact this company for

  1. How can I return a product purchased at Aldi?
  2. What are the current special offers or weekly deals?
  3. How can I find the nearest Aldi store?
  4. What is Aldi’s policy on product quality and freshness?
  5. How do I apply for a job at Aldi Belgium?

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